Psychological Assessments & Screenings
Full or partial independent psychological evaluations for all ages
Specialized Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) screenings or assessments for children as young as 18 months through adulthood
District-Approved Independent Educational Evaluator (IEE)
Independent consultant / collaborator with neuropsychologists at Illuminate Psychological Assessments, LLC
School District-Approved
Dr. Duke is a qualified Independent Educational Evaluator (IEE) for full or partial psychological assessments and educational consulting. Dr. Duke’s practice also offers full psychological assessments, including the recently revised ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule - Second Edition). The ADOS-2 improves an instrument already viewed as "the gold standard" for observational assessment of autism spectrum disorder, and Dr. Duke is one of the few professionals in the area trained to administer this assessment. The most significant change from the first edition is that the ADOS-2 now includes a toddler module for children between 12-30 months of age.